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Buy a Brick

As you enter our museum you witness our memorial walkway, commemorating the many folks who have displayed their support for our veterans by leaving a memory dedicated to a veteran, a loved one, or just to commemorate something of importance in their lives.  Our Lay-a-Brick for a Veteran project has been established by the Museum Board to provide that opportunity.


Please join us in establishing a brick memorial dedicated to your special veteran or just your appreciation for all of our veterans.  Each brick is factory made with the information laser engraved.  Each brick has three lines for information with a limit of fifteen spaces per line. (A separate order form is needed for each brick ordered.)

Memorial Bricks on display
Brick Order Form 
$100 per brick + $5 online fee


(max 3 lines, 15 characters per line including spaces)

Thanks for your order!

To order, simply fill out the online form and make a secure donation. If you'd rather print a form and send a check via snail mail, you can download the form here. 

Sample Memorial Bricks
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